America’s economy is very strong and much of the reason is because of policies and actions taken by the Biden Administration. Yet, that success isn’t reflected in the President’s approval ratings. When this question is put to pundits and think tank denizens they spout thousands of words of analysis, but miss entirely the real reason.
Nowhere in this storm of gibberish do any of these people point out the negative effect on Biden’s approval rating caused by the 24 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year hate media. There are millions of people who listen to Fox- or Fox-like stations and never hear that the unemployment rate is the lowest in 60 years. This misdirection is amplified by millions of social media posts put on line by the dung beetles of society.
“Biden Crime family” is a common theme; or simply “failed presidency” or “is a wannabe dictator,” or “promotes grooming and pedophilia” or “deep in the grip” of a faltering old age. Credible evidence is never presented except for the fact that President Biden is 80 years old.
Not only is the right-wing media on constant attack, but the more responsible outlets pick up and cover the charges brought by crazed, mendacious and malicious members of the Republican party in Congress.
Figures like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Green make ridiculous charges which are carried by legitimate news outlets, adding to the din of negativity about the President. Not too long ago these two cretins would have never been elected to anything. They are kin to the soap-box shouters at 42nd and 8th in Midtown Manhattan during the 50’s and 60’s who were mostly ignored by passers-by.
Hate media has become omnipresent. It’s a lot more than just Fox with its unceasing shrill lies. There are thousands of hate-filled websites, hundreds of radio and tv stations and dozens of well-funded political action committees spewing vile nonsense about the president and yet when asked to comment about Biden’s “low approval ratings” pundits, even those on National Public Radio talk about “the American people not feeling the positive effects of Biden’s policies and actions.” A large segment of America is not feeling the positive effects of a very strong economy because what they listen to and view tells them things are bad.
We are being inundated by a tidal wave of bovine defecation both intentional and derivative and it appears that it will only get worse.
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