CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) – The Centre County Board of Commissioners is currently soliciting applications for affordable housing project activities for grant award consideration.
Grants are made available through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, established under Act 13 of 1992. Awarded projects shall serve eligible individuals with a gross household income of below 100% of the Area Median Income for the county, with the inclusion of households at 30% as adjusted annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
These funds can be used to match federal, state and/or local program funds for affordable housing initiatives. Individual homeowners are not eligible under this program.
Eligible applicants include:
- housing and/or redevelopment authorities
- Other related agencies
- Nonprofits
- Land trusts
- Developers of affordable housing units
Eligible projects include:
- Construction of new rental and owner-occupied housing
- Acquisition and rehabilitation of housing units for re-sale or to rent, and land acquisition for a proposed project to be completed within a two-year time frame.
A cash match is not required, however, the use of Affordable Housing Trust Fund dollars to leverage other affordable housing funding is encouraged throughout the application process. Match funds may include federal, state and/or local program funds for affordable housing initiatives in Centre County.
The CASH program opens Monday, June 12th, and closes on Friday, July 14th at 5 p.m. Project recommendations and grant award amounts for eligible projects will be announced on
Tuesday, August 15 at 10 a.m. during the regular meeting of the Centre County Board of
The 2023 Program marks the third consecutive year that the Commissioners are making grants
available. A total of nine (9) properties have been funded thus far, and approximately $150,000 granted.
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Where can you apply?
Eligible applicants may obtain an Act 137 Notice of Funding Application Packet upon request by
contacting the Centre County Planning & Community Development Office, 420 Holmes Street,
Bellefonte, PA, 16823. Walk-ins, as well as digital email requests are acceptable.
Application requests via email can be sent to Betsy Barndt, Housing & Community Development Planner at bbarndt@centrecountypa.gov.