Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality training approach that allow employers to develop and prepare their future workforce. Completely customizable and utilized in industries ranging from manufacturing and the building trades to healthcare and information technology, apprenticeship is a solution to the growing need for skilled labor.
As Regional Apprenticeship Coordinator for Bucks, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, Adina Tayar consults with businesses, training providers, and intermediaries to develop talent solutions through employer apprenticeship programs. She is a proud graduate of the first Apprenticeship Navigator cohort in the Commonwealth sponsored by Keystone Development Partners, Apprenticeship PHL, and the Apprenticeship and Training Office within the PA Department of Labor & Industry.
Connect with Adina Tayar at atayar@edsisolutions.com or 267-254-1225, and find out how apprenticeship can work for you.