The city of Atlantic City Solicitor’s Office sent a letter Friday to the attorney of the organizer of the Bamboozle Festival, notifying it that the city will not be issuing the final permit to allow the music festival to proceed after organizers failed to submit required documents by the city’s deadline.
On April 20, the Solicitor’s Office sent a letter to the attorney for the festival organizer, informing him of the established deadline of the close of business on Thursday to submit the documentation.
The attorney acknowledged receipt of the notice letter, and the city did not receive a written request for an extension or any other written notification that the required documentation could not be provided.
The Thursday deadline passed, and the attorney for the festival organizers was notified that the event is canceled consistent with the city of Atlantic City’s notice.
Below is a statement from Atlantic City Business Administrator Anthony Swan on the event’s cancellation:
“There was an ongoing concern that we were not getting the required documents from festival organizers in a timely manner. We asked for this information months in advance to protect the city and the taxpayers of Atlantic City. The event was fast approaching, and these issues were still unresolved. Therefore, my office established a reasonable deadline for festival organizers to submit the required documents to the city.”